ENG SPAIN, BARCELONA CHROMA THEATRE The idea of arriving, today, is no longer present. I am interested in the suspension of thought, where there is no symbol, where there is no word. It is there, where my body becomes work material, conductor of what is present. When it comes to combining, I work with those moments that seemed sensitive to me, and that in their sum became themes that were there, already present, unmentionable in their first appearance. I find my tools in a sudden and curiously repeated way and in this piece they are, The Edge, The Continuity, The Line and The Frame.
ESP ESPANA , BARCELONA TEATRO CHROMA La idea de llegar, hoy, ya no esta presente. Me interesa la suspensión del pensamiento, donde no hay simbolo, donde no hay palabra. Es alli, donde mi cuerpo se vuelve material de trabajo, conductor de aquello que esta presente. A la hora de compaginar, trabajo con aquellos momentos que me parecieron sensibles, y que en su suma, devinieron tematicas que estaban alli, ya presentes, inmencionables en su primera aparicion. Mis herramientas las encuentro de una manera repentina y curiosamente repetidas y que en esta pieza son, El Borde, La Continuidad, La Linea y El Marco.